Cell technology


The Cell Technology working group deals with the interface between cell biology and medical technology. In the course of the convergence of interdisciplinary fields of technology, cell biological issues are also becoming increasingly important. In the field of implant research, the working group has succeeded in developing colonisation procedures and analysis methods for various surfaces. By integrating different cell types and tissue models, the biocompatibility of different implant surfaces can be evaluated in vitro. Another area of work is the development of new bioinks for the 3D printing of cells (bioprinting). The focus here is on optimising printing parameters and opening up new cells and media. For this purpose, the working group has various specially adapted analysis methods at its disposal for simulating printing parameters and cell vitality. 

Fields of research

Cell-implant interaction

The clinical efficacy and safety of an implant depends directly on its biocompatibility. Therefore, a comprehensive preclinical evaluation is necessary before approval. With the help of human cell models, complex cell-implant interactions can be studied in vitro. In addition to a broad selection of functional cells and microtissues, the working group has specially adapted colonisation and analysis methods at its disposal.

Bioink development

Bioprinting paves new ways in the field of tissue engineering, as cells can be precisely positioned and used for the targeted construction of new tissues. However, the complexity and functionality of the tissue produced is directly dependent on the availability and quality of suitable bioinks. The use of new cell types requires the adaptation of printing processes and media. The working group has developed methods to make new cell lines available for printing processes and to validate their quality.


  • Development of methods for the investigation of cell-implant interactions
  • Optimisation and validation of bioinks (bioinks)
  • Integration of new cell types into existing printing processes


  • Laser scanning microscopy
  • Time-lapse microscopy
  • X-ray microscopy
  • Molecular Biology Research Laboratory
  • Histological Research Laboratory