Your partner for individualized medical engineering solutions


Fraunhofer IMTE is an innovative and unique research institution developing intelligent systems and processes for health in the fields of medical technology, cell technology and aquaculture. The focus is on the safe translation of these solutions into beneficial applications for a healthy society. With a cycle of prevention, diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation, we are redefining the term Circular Health and creating ideal conditions for the individualization of health technologies.


The combination of our competencies in engineering, informatics, aquaculture and cell technology forms a particular strength of research at Fraunhofer IMTE. In this unique combination, they are a unique selling point and at their interface form a new field of research: blue health technologies. To keep our society healthy, we use individual therapeutic and diagnostic methods in close cooperation with the clinic and our customers. In addition, we are tapping into new animal and cell culture models as well as other substance groups from the ocean. Through our central platforms of Surgical Robotics, Food Technology, Additive Manufacturing and Clinical and Regulatory Affairs, the developed solutions are quickly and reliably transferred into application. In this way, we achieve significant added value for the health of our society along the entire value chain and develop it further with agility and competence in line with our concept of Circular Health.

Project: "Individualisierte Medizintechnik für bildgestützte, robotische Interventionen (IMTE 2)"

Proposal-Nr.: 125 24 009

Project: "Hansenetzwerk – Entwicklung innovativer, energieeffizienter Aquakulturtechnologien zur Produktion von Fisch, Meeresfrüchten und anderen aquatischen Nahrungsmitteln"

Proposal-Nr.: 183 21 019

Project: "Fraunhofer Future Food – Phase 2"

Proposal-Nr.: 123 19 021

Project: "LIROS - Lübeck Innovation Hub for Robotic Surgery"

Proposal-Nr.: 124 22 005

Projekt: "Hospital Service and Interaction Robot (HospiBot)"

Proposal-Nr.: 19 1 23 1